Baby Ramona Is Born and Smiling at Cats

Disambiguation: Ramona redirects here, for the vocal of the same name, see Ramona (song).

Spoiler warning!
This commodity contains plot/catastrophe details.

Ramona Victoria "Rammy" Flowers is an American expatriate who lived in New York and now works every bit a "Ninja commitment daughter" for in Canada. She is 24 years old and Scott's main love interest. She reveals very petty about herself and is very guarded about her by in New York before she moved to Toronto. She is capable of traveling through Subspace and has vii evil exes who challenge Scott for her affection. She is also a tea enthusiast, equally discovered when Scott is bombarded with a listing of teas in one of Ramona'southward cupboards of her home.

When fighting, she typically uses an over sized mallet every bit her weapon, which she can recollect from her purse through the apply of subspace. She changes her hairstyle frequently and becomes anxious when Gideon is mentioned or brought up. Due to her power over Subspace travel thanks to the Glow, her head begins to glow when she is upset or jealous, though she herself is unaware of this until Kim Pino brings attention to it in Volume 5. Ramona now owns Scott's old sword, the "Power of Dearest".

Ramona is played past Mary Elizabeth Winstead in the film accommodation. Shortly before filming began, Winstead received a listing of ten secret facts about Ramona's past.[1] When asked what those facts are, she responded, "I honestly don't know if they are things that Bryan would want out there, so I'll keep them tranquillity. But things near her family she's kind of a tragic figure in a style. She's been through a lot, and that's why she'south so guarded and mysterious." Winstead has since revealed at least one of the secrets, i that she considered very insightful for her graphic symbol: Ramona's younger brother died when she was younger, and she wears one of his shoelaces around her neck in retention of him. However, Bryan Lee O'Malley has since denied this being canon, saying "I did non write 10 things. I just sent a bunch of notes to Edgar Wright and Michael Bacall. Bacall created the 10 things based on the notes. Lots of the things were jokes. It was just for fun... that particular "cloak-and-dagger" isn't "catechism" because I never used it in the volume."


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.ane Early life
      • Junior loftier
      • one.1.two High school
      • 1.ane.three University of Carolina in the Sky
    • ane.ii Aftermath
    • 1.three Dating Scott Pilgrim
      • 1.iii.ane Arrival in Toronto
      • 1.three.two Defeating Gideon Graves
  • ii Relationships
    • two.i Scott Pilgrim
    • 2.2 Ramona'due south Vii Evil Exes
      • two.ii.1 Matthew Patel
      • 2.2.ii Lucas Lee
      • 2.ii.3 Todd Ingram
      • 2.2.4 Roxie Richter
      • 2.2.5 Kyle & Ken Katayanagi
      • 2.2.6 Gideon Graves
  • iii Powers and abilities
    • iii.i Superhuman abilities
    • three.2 Subspace
    • 3.3 The Glow
    • 3.4 Rollerskating
    • 3.5 Weapons
    • Subspace Suitcase
    • three.7 Large Hammer
    • three.8 Titanium Baseball Bat
  • 4 Personality and traits
  • 5 Hairstyles
    • 5.1 Comics
    • five.ii Movie
    • 5.3 Game
  • 6 Portrayal in adaptions
    • half In the movie
    • 6.2 In the Game
  • seven Gallery
    • 7.ane Comics
      • Story
      • 7.1.2 Volume covers
    • 7.2 Game Sprites
    • vii.iii Misc.
  • 8 Trivia
  • ix Quotes
  • 10 References

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ]

Junior high [ ]

Lilliputian is known about Ramona'due south life earlier 7th class, where she met Matthew Patel. She and Patel dated for simply a week and a half, during which Ramona pretty much used Matthew and his mystical powers to ward off flocks of jocks interested in her. She dated Matthew, according to her own story, because he was the only non-white and non-jock child at her school. The two simply kissed once, and it ended shortly later due to Matthew'south pre-adolescent capriciousness. Afterward, Patel moved far away.

High schoolhouse [ ]

It is unknown what she was doing in eighth course, only in her freshman year she was stalked by Lucas Lee, who had a crush on her and continually asked her out. Eventually, Flowers relented and the ii dated for a long fourth dimension. According to her, all they did was sit on a curb and smoke. At some indicate in the relationship Flowers cheated on and left him for the "start cocky pretty male child" that came by, Todd Ingram.

Ramona dated Todd for the residuum of high schoolhouse, saying they were the "bad kids" together. He vanished for two weeks while they dated, during which he went vegan and gained his telekinetic powers (having apparently been studied past scientists). Todd returned and took Ramona out of grade to prove his love for her by blasting ane of the two craters in the moon, causing what Ramona described as "Virtually 30 pages of explosions and tidal waves". She placed her hand over her oral fissure in utter stupor.

University of Carolina in the Heaven [ ]

Todd ended up going to a vegan college while Ramona went to the The University of Carolina in the Sky, though, then the 2 decided to allow each other become.

During her time in college, Ramona's roommate was Roxie Richter, who turned out to be a lesbian. Ramona became very curious about what it would be like to be intimate with a girl, and as Richter was presumably already attracted to her, they began dating. It is unsaid that they had sex, embarrassing Ramona. Afterward post-secondary, they broke upwardly and hadn't seen or heard much from one another. Ramona would later claim the relationship was "only a phase".

Aftermath [ ]

At some point after breaking up with Roxie, Ramona dated the Katayanagi Twins, Kyle and Ken, but without each knowing near the other (basically adulterous on both of them). When the truth was revealed, they dumped her, but the three of them adult no sense of hostility between each other.

Eventually, Ramona went to a political party and met Gideon Graves there and speedily developed tender feelings for him. Despite Ramona's feelings for Gideon, Gideon saw his relationship with Ramona purely as an experiment, during which he inflicted Ramona with The Glow. Fed upwards with him constantly pushing her away, Ramona decided to leave Gideon, leaving nothing except a letter. Unfortunately for Ramona, Gideon walked in on her simply as she finished the letter. Ramona, filled with intense emotions, became overwhelmed by The Glow and vanished into Subspace, taking the letter with her.


Dating Scott Pilgrim [ ]

Inflow in Toronto [ ]

Traveling through the wormhole, Ramona arrived in Toronto, Canada, where she institute a task equally a "Ninja delivery girl" for She also got a cat, which she named Gideon as a fashion of working out her diplomacy. Soon afterwards, she went to a political party, where she met Scott Pilgrim, who annoyed her by talking about Pac-Man. When delivering packages to houses, she realized Scott had ordered something just so he could striking on her, and she reluctantly agreed to date him, having never experienced a relationship with anyone who was pure at heart. Their relationship has their ups and downs like any. She remains enigmatic and Scott remains a dork, but information technology's that very involvement that keeps the 2 together.

During Julie'south early birthday party, taking place before Volume 4, she tells Scott that he is the nicest male child she has ever dated. This moment of happiness began to falter in Volume 5 when she learns from Knives that Scott had cheated on them both. She dismissed this fleck of news at first, merely after Scott accidentally blurts out that he cheated on Knives with her, she became increasingly upset, not but calling him a bad person, but "some other Evil Ex waiting to happen," although she cheated on many of her boyfriends herself.

Feeling guilty for her own by actions, Ramona confessed that she was no meliorate. After hearing some encouraging words from Scott, she thank you him before vanishing, making Scott think it's over until Volume six.

Defeating Gideon Graves [ ]

Coming together upwards with Scott in Subspace later on his initial defeat against Gideon Graves, she apologizes and helps him fight Gideon. Afterwards existence wounded by Gideon, she becomes trapped in her own mind and her desires controlled by him. After breaking free thanks to Scott, she takes control of her mind once again to cast Gideon out, leading to one terminal fight in reality. In the aftermath of their victory, she explains to Scott she feels like she has to keep running or else she feels "stuck." She's scared of the prospects of not changing merely wants to exist with Scott who continues to support her.

Relationships [ ]

SPFH kiss.png

Scott Pilgrim [ ]

Scott kickoff saw Ramona in a dream when she was using the subspace in his head to travel all over Toronto. Since the first encounter, he becomes obsessed about her, telling his friends he had a strange dream most a girl which his friends nonchalantly disregard.

Later on an awkward meeting at 1 of Julie'south parties, Scott purchased something on Amazon so that they would meet again. At first, Ramona wasn't interested in Scott, only eventually, Scott convinced her to exit with him. Their human relationship has their ups and downs like any. She remains enigmatic and Scott remains a dork, only it's that very interest that keeps the two together.

She states she likes him because he is pleasant and simple-minded in Volume four. Too, during Julie's early altogether party, taking identify before Book iv, she tells Scott that he is the nicest boy she has always dated. This moment of happiness began to stammer in Book 5 when she learns from Knives that Scott had cheated on them both. She dismissed this bit of news at first, but after Scott accidentally blurts out that he cheated on Knives with her, she became increasingly upset, non only calling him a bad person, but "another Evil Ex waiting to happen," although she cheated on many of her boyfriends herself (due east.g. the Katayanagi twins with each other).

Feeling guilty for her own past actions, Ramona confessed that she was no ameliorate. After hearing some encouraging words from Scott, she thanks him before vanishing, making Scott think it'due south over until Book vi. Coming together up with Scott in Subspace after his initial defeat against Gideon, she apologizes and helps him fight Gideon. After being wounded by Gideon, she becomes trapped in her ain heed and her desires controlled by him. After breaking free thanks to Scott, she takes control of her mind again to bandage Gideon out, leading to one last fight in reality. In the aftermath of their victory, she explains to Scott she feels like she has to continue running or else she feels "stuck." She'southward scared of the prospects of not changing just wants to exist with Scott who continues to support her.

Scott also gave Ramona her nickname, "Rammy", which she dislikes at first, merely as the story progresses, she starts to accept it. Even most of the other characters volition be heard calling her "Rammy," whilst others even so call her Ramona.

Ramona's Seven Evil Exes [ ]

Since loftier schoolhouse, Ramona has dated a number of boys and one girl. These seven were either dumped or take been separated with and each concord a course of grudge on Ramona. They banded together to go The League of Ramona'southward Evil Exes, each one with their own reasons for joining. Ramona claims to be innocent throughout her explanations for why she dumped these exes, just as the story goes on, each story seems to finish with Ramona using them, disappearing, or cheating on them. Despite all this, many members of the league seem to hold Ramona in some level of high regards.

Matthew Patel [ ]

Ramona's first evil ex from Course seven. The two dated for only a week. During the time, Ramona pretty much used Matthew and his mystical powers to ward off flocks of jocks interested in her. According to her own story, she dated Matthew because he was the merely non-white and not-jock child at her school. The two only kissed once, and information technology ended presently after due to Matthew's pre-adolescent capriciousness.

Lucas Lee [ ]

He is described as a "snot nosed brat in high school." The two dated in the 9th Grade subsequently he asked her out 96 times. Their interactions just consisted of sitting out on the curb and smoking a few times over the period of a month. Ramona says she but dumped him, but Lucas tells Scott she dumped him for the man who would become the tertiary evil ex.

Todd Ingram [ ]

The guy Ramona dated for the balance of high school. She confesses she left Lucas for Todd, just non until volume 3 proverb they were the "bad kids" together. He vanished for 2 weeks while they dated. At the time they were apart, he was sent to Vegan Academy, where he would gain his telekinetic powers. He fully enrolled in the academy while Ramona went to the University of Carolina in the Sky. Ramona didn't want to be tied down to the relationship so Ramona dumped him. Ane day in college, Todd returned and took Ramona out of class to evidence his beloved for her by diggings one of the two craters in the moon (a feat he would echo not too much later for Green-eyed Adams).

Roxie Richter [ ]

Ramona's academy roommate and the only ex-girlfriend. She alleges that their human relationship only a stage she went through. Subsequently postal service-secondary, the two broke upwards and hadn't seen or heard much from i another. Despite being one of Ramona's evil exes, Roxie and Ramona have somewhat of a friendship. As seen in the quaternary book, Ramona lets Roxie stay at her place for a few days, and admits to Scott they made out (just just a little), Although Bryan Lee O'Malley said later the volume was released, that he meant it every bit a joke, not something to be taken seriously. On their bad times though, Ramona doesn't seem to mind throwing out that Roxie is just a half-ninja which really gets under her skin. Despite everything, Roxie and Ramona seem to be on the best terms of all the exes. In the book series, she uses a sword (every bit seen in volume 4) and in the movie she uses a chain belt.

Kyle & Ken Katayanagi [ ]

Ramona's fifth and 6th evil exes respectively. She dated them simultaneously without the other knowing. When they both discovered the truth, they called the whole thing off and vowed to work together forever to get back at her. In the volume series, they appear in volume 5 and seem to merely show upward at parties that Julie Powers throws at random. They are Japanese and invent robots for Scott to fight, proverb that they won't fight him later on at the fact they don't desire to exist "barbarian-like". In the pic, they are defeated in an "Amp vs. Amp" against Sex-Bob-omb.

Gideon Graves [ ]

Ramona's seventh evil ex and leader of the League of Ramona's Evil Exes. Gideon experimented with Ramona regarding Subspace and The Glow. She intended to fully suspension up with him, but was overwhelmed with emotions while writing the breakup. She took the letter with her when the Glow transported her into subspace. In Book 4, Scott stumbles into Ramona's heed via Subspace, seeing her with a shadowy figure that would later be revealed to be Gideon. This seemingly shows that Ramona nevertheless has some remnant of feelings towards him. It was soon revealed in Book 6 that Gideon used The Glow to command her within her mind. After beingness rescued by Scott, she was finally able to let go of Gideon's hold on her life before the final battle.

Powers and abilities [ ]

Ramona rips off a metal pole to defend against Knives' set on

Superhuman abilities [ ]

Ramona has enhanced strength, enough forcefulness to snap a metallic pole to apply as a weapon and enough forcefulness to elevator her Big Hammer. She is as well strong enough to live later on Gideon stabs her in the back. Although she is besides very agile as she tin run on walls, but non as active equally Knives.

Scott and Ramona on the Subspace Highway

Subspace [ ]

Main article: Subspace

Her near used power in the series is the use of the Subspace Highway. She is the only known person in Canada who has mastered it. She also uses subspace for her Subspace Suitcase which houses her clothes, accessories, weapons, etc. With her Glow, she tin disappear into Subspace.

Ramona bids farewell to Scott before disappearing using the Glow

The Glow [ ]

Main article: Glow

Although the Glow is primarily Gideon's ability, Ramona is shown to have partial control over it. In the end of Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, she uses the Glow to teleport herself inside her own head, locking herself in with her own problems. She besides tries to utilise this teleporting power once again during the final boxing confronting Gideon, merely is stabbed by him earlier she can do it.

Rollerskating [ ]

She is besides a practiced roller skater and is even able to skate on and through the snow. She uses them to practice deliveries to Combined with her Subspace ability, she rollerskate the Subspace Highway (particularly the one that goes through Scott'south head) as a shortcut. Her rollerskating skills also seems to rival Roxie Richter's.

Weapons [ ]

Subspace Suitcase [ ]

Subspace bag.png
The Subspace Suitcase is a bag that Ramona carries around that allows her to access the subspace. It contains a pocket dimention inside which Ramona uses to store items similar dress, weapons and even acquit people around with information technology. The pocketbook is destroyed by Gideon with the Ability of Dearest in volume 6.

Large Hammer [ ]

Ramona'south hammer is a weapon that she takes out of her Subspace Suitcase in Volume three. She uses it in her fight against Envy Adams, who afterward on steals it and tries to kill Lynette Guycott with information technology. The hammer briefly seen in Volume 6 when the Subspace Suitcase explodes.

In the moving-picture show, she uses the hammer against Roxie.

Titanium Baseball Bat [ ]

Personality and traits [ ]

Ramona presents a tough, independent exterior and behaves like a gratis-spirit (as evidenced past her constant dying of her pilus). She does not hesitate to impose her views on Scott (such as criticizing the flat he and Wallace live in) and can exist quite bossy at times (such as telling Scott to get a chore then that she doesn't have to travel through his lame dreams when she's at work). She also maintains a mysterious guise, telling Scott very trivial near herself, at least initially. Contradictory to that, she strives to acquire as much as possible about Scott's past relationships, virtually to the point of being intrusive. She is also rather humorous, quick-witted and sarcastic.

Notwithstanding, Ramona'southward "mysterious" nature and tough exterior, are actually just cover for her ain insecurities. At the middle of things, Ramona is a runner. She fears commitment, but she calls it "being stuck," which was a huge factor of why she's had so many failed relationships. Similar Scott, Ramona is afraid to confront her past which is relentless for communicable upwardly, with the both of them. Whereas Scott suppresses his memories of the past, Ramona literally runs from it. Deep down, Ramona is unhappy with the kind of person she is, and doesn't think she can change. As a effect, she carries her luggage with her through most of the series.

At the stop of the series, Ramona is notwithstanding uncertain if she tin can change, but with Scott's encouragement, she is willing to effort.

Hairstyles [ ]

Main article: Ramona's hairstyles

One of Ramona's quirks is that she changes the color of her pilus every three weeks. Because of this, she'due south seen sporting various hairstyles and hair colors throughout the series.

Comics [ ]

Motion picture [ ]

Game [ ]

Portrayal in adaptions [ ]

In the movie [ ]

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona in the film adaptation

Ramona sporting her giant hammer in the movie.

Ramona Flowers is played past Mary Elizabeth Winstead whose other works include Live Free or Die Hard, Heaven Loftier, Decease Proof, Bobby, Terminal Destination 3 and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

In the Motion-picture show, she continues the tradition of existence mysterious and well-guarded, besides every bit carrying effectually a laminated list of her evil exes, which she gives to Scott after he battles with Roxie.

She had her mind controlled and held hostage by Gideon Graves' microchip on the back of her head, forcing her to break up with Scott.

In the Subspace during Scott's defeat, she confessed that she was crazy for Gideon, merely was constantly pushed away. Only when she left him, prior to her arrival in Toronto, did Gideon finally become interested, which led to the germination of the League.


Later on gaining command of her body thanks to her and Knives' resolve with Scott (and also a kicking to the back of the head by Knives), she played a modest but vital office in the final boxing against Gideon (kneeing him in the groin, which


allows Knives to take his sword abroad), buying enough fourth dimension for Knives and Scott to end him off.

Ramona then proceeds to go out Scott to brainstorm her life anew, but Knives convinces Scott to follow her. Scott joins Ramona as the ii of them enter a gateway to Subspace.

In an alternating ending, she convinces Scott that Knives is the ane he should have been fighting for all along, and leaves him and Knives lonely exterior of the Anarchy Theatre. The two then walk off, talking and laughing.

In the Game [ ]

Ramona'southward main fine art in the game.

Ramona's Knives assist

Ramona is one of the 4 initial playable characters. Carrying her Subspace Suitcase throughout the game, she has an exclusive move to summon diverse items to be used in battle. Of all the characters' catastrophe, hers is exactly like the ending in Book 6. Yet, in Scott's catastrophe, she leaves him, somewhen leading him to a relationship with all three of his ex-girlfriends (Knives, Kim, and Envy).

In the location "Ramona'southward Backyard" y'all can find her State of war-hammer which volition smile when it is picked up. It does a little chip over moderate damage but is not equally powerful as the "Power of Love". In addition, titanium baseball bats tin be establish throughout World four, a reference to Ramona'due south subspace battle with Roxie.

Gallery [ ]

Comics [ ]

Story [ ]

Volume covers [ ]

Game Sprites [ ]

Misc. [ ]

Trivia [ ]

  • In an interview, Bryan Lee O'Malley said that he based Ramona off a daughter he saw who kept changing her hair. He also stated that he used to dye his pilus a lot when he was younger.
  • Her altogether is January 1 according to the finish of Volume 4, however in the bonus content of the color edition of Volume 1, it says her birthday is January 14. This may take been changed when it came to drawing the actual volume.
  • He besides originally wrote that she liked kitties more puppies and that her favorite picture was Grosse Pointe Bare.
  • In an interview in his blog, Bryan stated that Ramona changes her pilus to try on dissimilar identities, depending on the emotional state she is in. (For more info, see here.)
  • Equally for Ramona's natural hair color, Bryan Lee O'Malley has said that he is unsure, and that Ramona herself may not even remember it, but that she is not a natural blonde, and that her hair is more likely to accept originally been "medium-to-dark chocolate-brown".[1]
  • Ramona is about 5'eight'' or v'ix'' in superlative which makes her rather tall for a female.[2]
  • Bryan Lee O'Malley intended for her favorite ring to exist Joy Segmentation, but she lightened up later on and her favorite ring became The Replacements.
  • She appeared in the sixty-eighth episode of the Screwattack series Decease Battle, where she was pitted in a hypothetical fight to the death against Amy Rose from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and lost.

Quotes [ ]

  • "Well, and then Gideon all-time become his pretentious donkey up here, 'cause I'1000 most to kick yours out of the Swell White Due north!" (to Roxie in the moving-picture show)
  • Scott: "You lot know your pilus?"
    Ramona: "I know of it..."

References [ ]

  2. service/29148618283/bryan-lee-omalley-q-a-for-baronial-10-2012


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